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Get Rid Of isichitho ,signs that you got isichitho

Get Rid of isichitho +27731826876 Makhosi

Siyini isichitho?.

isichitho is a witchcraft spell used by wicked people to make you less attractive to your partner or t

o other people Get rid of isichitho today contact Makhosi on +27731826876 WhatsApp

There are several signs and symptoms that some one has used isichitho on you +27731826876 Makhosi

-Less attractive /Less appealing to your lover

-Bad dreams ,dreaming of feaces (amasimba)

-Endless fights and arguments in your relationship, marriage, work or with your neighbor.

-unhappiness in bed with your lover ,you dont feel him or her anymore while making love

-Rejecting or abandoning family and your own kids or children's

-Short temper and anger issues associated with strong hate

-Ukuzwa engathi uhanjwa ulwembu ebusweni /Spider web

-Getting your amaperiods when going to your boyfriend or when with your partner

-Ukuzimoshela uhleli noma ulele nomuntu wakho/peeing or messing yourself

-Break ups for no good reason

-Being fired at work for no reason

No luck in finding a job

-Rash /Skin irritation and pain

To mention but a few so if you seeing any signs as above mentioned or any other sign that is bothering or showing up to you then kindly contact Makhosi on +27731826876

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